My Husband and I were lying in bed after a LONG Easter Sunday and I started thinking...I need to start doing something creative, something that gives me joy and something that I can share with other Mom's who feel the same way I do! Out of all this brainstorming, and surfing the net comes my blog.
I am a stay-at-home mom, and I love what I do, but I miss the independence of my career and the rewards that career brought. Not that seeing your baby roll over or hearing their laugh for the first time isn't rewarding, it's just that I feel I want something MORE than that. something for ME~ is that wrong?
So, begins my journey in sharing with the world all the things I am passionate about. I am not quite sure how this blog will be organized, but I am sure that I will share with you all the things I love, things that make my life easier and things I feel are special and unique.
I look forward to this journey!!!!